Feature length documentary film, co-production, 2015

Don’t Breathe

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You can rent “The Visit” and watch it streaming for a time period of 2 days (available only in Finland): Just click the icon on the top-right corner of the screening window. Payment by credit card or PayPal. Subtitled in English.

Don’t Breathe is a dark comedy. It tells the story of a man who is suddenly led to question his existence because of an apparently minor event. It all starts with an ordinary medical exam, and turns into a complete reassessment of his life as he finds himself caught in a downward spiral of paranoia and doubt. Using a playful tone and humor, the film examines the psychological nature of man when our bearings get lost and our imagination takes over, highlighting our common fears, fragility, hopes and resilience.

Nino Kirtadsén
Heidi Fleisher and Paul Rozenberg / Zadig Productions
Arte France, Sami Jahnukainen / Mouka Filmi
In Collaboration with
European Union MEDIA -program, Iikka Vehkalahti / YLE

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