Reel Stories

Film catalogue


Jukka Kärkkäinen, Director

Jukka Kärkkäinen is a co-founder of Mouka Filmi and has won two Jussis (Finnish Oscars) for Best Documentary. His trademark at international film festivals is singing. Jukka works out to keep in shape and has read almost all of Astrid Lingren’s books.

Juha Löppönen, Producer

Juha Löppönen is a seasoned producer and an occasional sleep walker. Juha is the latest addition to Mouka’s team, but don’t let that fool you.

Sami Jahnukainen, Executive Producer

Sami Jahnukainen is a producer, documentarian and a co-founder of Mouka Filmi. Besides films he produces virtual reality experiences and bad jokes. Sami is prohibited from making coffee at the office.

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