While humankind is busy with huge global crises, small animals silently disappear from the face of the Earth. But Valerio, a self-made enthusiasts from Italy, and Sebastian, a scientist from Germany, can’t bear to let this happen. They have devoted their lives to saving endangered geckos, salamanders and fishes by taking these animals into their own homes. Burned out, armed with buckets and boxes, our protagonists take us to the world of tiny creatures, where even the plain looking ones are precious and where the joy and friendship prevails.
Ohjaus & käsikirjoitus
Okku Nuutilainen & Liinu Grönlund
Jarkko Virtanen
Juha Löppönen / Mouka Filmi
Vastaava tuottaja
Sami Jahnukainen / Mouka Filmi
Ove Rishøj Jensen / Auto Images
Suomen Elokuvasäätiö / Eero Tammi
AVEK / Mikko Peltonen & Oskar Forstén
YLE / Jenny Westergård & Mikko Peltonen