Dokumenttielokuva 12′, 2025


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Short experimental documentary Human Machine portrays the feeling of estrangement from normal life as one must come to terms with death and the temporality of life. As a loved one suddenly passes away, one is catapulted into uncharted territory, questioning the meaning of life.

The Earth continues to turn, even though life has lost all meaning. The world is present, while out of reach. The rhythm of life and its expectations are in contradiction with one’s inner turmoil. Mentally one is lost and must reconnect to themselves and the outside world again. Meanwhile physically one’s own body depicts signs of deterioration, which might bring them closer to their loved one.

The feeling of estrangement grows, and gravity and the sense of control is lost. Adapting is difficult and communication is grainy. Uncertainty lingers in the air – what is to be a human?

Ohjaus & käsikirjoitus
Heidi Tirri
Heidi Tirri ja Hannu Karjalainen
Heidi Tirri
Heidi Tirri ja Ville Kuukka
Ville Kuukka
Graafinen suunnittelu
Timo Klaavo
Emilia Jokinen ja Jukka Kärkkäinen / Mouka Filmi
Vastaava tuottaja
Juha Löppönen ja Sami Jahnukainen
AVEK / Oskar Forstén
YLE / Sari Volanen

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